Бесплатный автореферат и диссертация по географии на тему
Гидрогеохимическая и гидрогеологическая характеристика грунтовых вод юго-запада Корейского полуострова
ВАК РФ 11.00.01, Физическая география, геофизика и геохимия ландшафтов
Текст научной работыДиссертация по географии, кандидата географических наук, Ким Ен Ки, Санкт-Петербург
The Herzen State Pedagogical University
of Russia
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Hydrogeological and Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of Groundwater in the South-Western area of Korea
A Doctor dissertation
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The Herzen State Pedagogical University
of Russia
Hydrogeological and Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of Groundwater in the South-Western area of Korea
A Doctor dissertation
Academic advisers Professor Eugene M. Nesterov Professor Suck-Won Choi
List of Figures.................................... ii
List of Tables..................................... ix
Chapter 1. The orientation and scope of study ...... 1
Chapter 2. Geology and geological structure ........ 3
2-1. Geology..................................... 3
2-1-1. Imsil area................................. 3
2-1-2. Younggwang area........................... 6
2-2. Geologic structure............................. 10
2-2-1. Imsil area 11
2-2-2. Younggwang area...........................14
Chapter 3. The hydrogeological characteristics .......
of aquifer ................................. 16
3-1. Drilling test 16
3-1-1. Imsil area................................. 17
3-1-2. Younggwang area...........................30
3-2. In-insu permeability test....................... 40
3-2-1. Imsil area 41 3-2-2. Younggwang area...........................60
3-3. Pumping test................................. 78
3-3-1. Imsil area 80
3-3-2. Younggwang area...........................88
Chapter 4. The hydrochemistry of groundwater ..... 96
4-1 Introduction \.................................96
4-1-1. Sampling Procedure......................... 96
4-1-2. Chemical Analyses......................... 97
4-2. Hydrochemistry of groundwater..................................98
4-2-1. Imsil area 101
4-2-2. Younggwang area............... ..........134
4-3. Stable isotope study....................................................160
Chapter 5. Evaluation of groundwater potential 168
5-1. Imsil area................................... 169
5-2. Younggwang area............................ 173
Chapter 6. Conclusion ...........................180
References....................................... 185
List of Figures
Fig. 1-1. Location map of study area .....................2
Fig. 2-1. Geologic map of the Imsil area...................4
Fig. 2-2. Geologic and lineament map of the Younggwang area • • 7
Fig. 2-3. Lineament map of the Imsil area..................12
Fig. 2-4. Rose diagrams showing the trends of lineament
in the Imsil area : (A) Granite area (B) Volcanic area
(C) Sedimentary area (D) Diorite area.................13
Fig. 2-5. Rose diagrams showing the trends of lineament
in the Younggwang area (A) Granite area (B) Volcanic area
(C) Sedimentary area (D) Gneiss area.................15
Fig. 3-1. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-2 in the Imsil area..................53
Fig. 3-2. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-3 in the Imsil area..................53
Fig/3-3. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-4 in the Imsil area..................54
Fig. 3-4. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-8 in the Imsil area...................54
Fig. 3-5. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-9 in the Imsil area...................55
Fig. 3-6. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-10 in the Imsil area..................55
Fig. 3-7. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-12 in the Imsil area..................56
Fig. 3-8. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-13 in the Imsil area..................56
Fig. 3-9. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-15 in the Imsil area..................57
Fig. 3-10. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-18 in the Imsil area..................57
Fig. 3-11. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-19 in the Imsil area..................58
Fig. 3-12. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-20 in the Imsil area..................58
Fig. 3-13. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. ISK-21 in the Imsil area..................59
Fig. 3-14. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. YGK-1 in the Younggwang area............72
Fig. 3-15. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. YGK-3 in the Younggwang area............72
Fig. 3-16. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. YGK-5 in the Younggwang area • • .........73
Fig. 3-17. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. YGK-6 in the Younggwang area............73
Fig. 3-18. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. YGK-7 in the Younggwang area............74
Fig. 3-19. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. YGK-12 in the Younggwang area...........74
Fig. 3-20. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. YGK-14 in the Younggwang area...........75
Fig. 3-21. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. YGK-16 in the Younggwang area...........75
Fig. 3-22. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. YGK-18 in the Younggwang area...........76
Fig. 3-23. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. YGK-19 in the Younggwang area...........76
Fig. 3-24. Variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth
at well No. YGK-20 in the Younggwang area...........77
Fig. 3-25. Analysis of data from pumping test by Theis method
at well No. ISK-1 in the Imsil area...................83
Fig. 3-26. Analysis of data from pumping test by Jacob method
at well No. ISK-1 in the Imsil area...................83
Fig. 3-27. Analysis of data from pumping test by Theis method
at well No. ISK-7 in the Imsil area...................84
Fig. 3-28. Analysis of data from pumping test by Jacob method
at well No. ISK-7 in the Imsil area...................84
Fig. 3-29. Analysis of data from pumping test by Theis method
at well No. ISK-9 in the Imsil area...................86
Fig. 3-30. Analysis of data from pumping test by Jacob method
at well No. ISK-9 in the Imsil area...................86
Fig. 3-31. Analysis of data from pumping test by Theis method
at well No. YGK-8 in the Younggwang area............87
Fig. 3-32. Analysis of data from pumping test by Jacob method
at well No. YGK-8 in the Younggwang area............87
Fig. 3-33. Analysis of data from pumping test by Theis method
at well No. BG-17 in the Younggwang area............91
Fig. 3-34. Analysis of data from pumping test by Jacob method
at well No. BG-17 in the Younggwang area............91
Fig. 3-35. Analysis of data from pumping test by Theis method
at well No. YGK-15 in the Younggwang area...........92
Fig. 3-36. Analysis of data from pumping test by Jacob method
at well No. YGK-15 in the Younggwang area...........92
Fig. 3-37. Analysis of data from pumping test by Theis method
at well No. YGK-17 in the Younggwang area...........95
Fig. 3-38. Analysis of data from pumping test by Jacob method
at well No. YGK-17 in the Younggwang area...........95
Fig. 4-1. Well location map of the Imsil area.................99
Fig. 4-2. Well location map of the Younggwang area..........100
Fig. 4-3 Mg, CI, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Na concentration
of surface water in the Imsil area....................104
Fig. 4-4 CI, Mg, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Ca concentration
of surface water in the Imsil area....................105
Fig. 4-5. The chemical composition of main components
of surface water by Schoeller graph in the Imsil area.....106
Fig. 4-6. Piper diagram for representing analysis of water quality
of surface water in the Imsil area....................106
Fig. 4-7. Mg, CI, SO4 and HCO3 contrations vs. Na contration
of groundwater of weathered zone in the Imsil area......107
Fig. 4-8. CI, Mg, SO4 and HCO3 contrations vs. Ca contration
of groundwater of weathered zone in the Imsil area......108
Fig. 4-9. Chemical composition of main components
of groundwater of the weathered zone by Schoeller graph
in Imsil area....................................109
Fig. 4-10. Piper diagram for representing analysis
of water quality of groundwater of weathered zone
in the Imsil area samples..........................109
Fig. 4-11. Mg, CI, SO4 and HCO3 contrations vs. Na contration
of groundwater of granite area in the Imsil area.........116
Fig. 4-12. CI, Mg, SO4 and HCO3 contrations vs. Ca contration
of groundwater of granite area in the Imsil area........117
Fig. 4-13. Chemical composition of main components
of groundwater of granite area by Schoeller graph
in the Imsil area.................................118
Fig. 4-14. Piper diagram for representing analysis of water quality
of groundwater of granite area in the Imsil area.........118
Fig. 4-15. Mg, CI, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Na concentration
of groundwater of volcanic area in the Imsil area........119
Fig. 4-16. CI, Mg, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Ca concentration
of groundwater of volcanic area in the Imsil area........120
Fig. 4-17. The chemical composition of main components of groundwater of volcanic area by Schoeller graph
in the Imsil area.................................121
Fig. 4-18. Piper diagram for representing analysis of water quality
of groundwater of volcanic area in the Imsil area........121
Fig. 4-19. Mg, CI, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Na concentration
of groundwater of sedimentary area in the Imsil area.....124
Fig. 4-20. CI, Mg, SO4 and HCO3 contrations vs. Ca contration
of groundwater of sedimentary area in the Imsil area.....125
Fig. 4-21. The chemical composition of main components
of groundwater of sedimentary area by Schoeller graph
in the Imsil area.................................126
Fig. 4-22. Piper diagram for representing analysis of water quality
of groundwater of sedimentary area in the Imsil area.....126
Fig. 4-23. Mg, CI, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Na concentration
of surface water in the Younggwang area.............128
Fig. 4-24. CI, Mg, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Ca concentration of surface water in Younggwang area................129
Fig. 4-25. Chemical composition of main components
of surface water by Schoeller graph in the Younggwang
Fig. 4-26. Piper diagram for representing analysis of water quality
of surface water in the Younggwang area.............130
Fig. 4-27. Mg, CI, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Na concentration of groundwater of weathered zone in the Younggwang
Fig. 4-28. CI, Mg, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Ca concentration of groundwater of weathered zone in Younggwang area • • ■ • 139 Fig. 4-29. The chemical composition of main components
of groundwater of weathered zone area by Schoeller graph
in the Younggwang...............................140
Fig. 4-30. Piper diagram for representing analysis of water quality of groundwater of weathered zone in the Younggwang
Fig. 4-31. Mg, CI, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Na concentration of groundwater of granite area in the Younggwang area • • • 145 Fig. 4-32. CI, Mg, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Ca concentration
of groundwater of granite area in Younggwang area......146
Fig. 4-33. The chemical composition of main components of groundwater of granite area by Schoeller graph
in the Younggwang area...........................147
Fig. 4-34. Piper diagram for representing analysis of water quality
of groundwater of granite area in the Younggwang area • • • 147 Fig. 4-35. Mg, CI, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Na concentration of groundwater of volcanic area in the Younggwang area...........................................148
Fig. 4-36. CI, Mg, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Ca concentration
of groundwater of volcanic area in Younggwang area.....149
Fig. 4-37. The chemical composition of main components
of groundwater of volcanic area by Schoeller graph
in the Younggwang area...........................150
Fig. 4-38. Piper diagram for representing analysis of water quality
of groundwater of volcanic area in the Younggwang area • • 150
Fig. 4-39. Mg, CI, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Na concentration
of groundwater of gneiss area in the Younggwang area • • • 155
Fig. 4-40. CI, Mg, SO4 and HCO3 concentrations vs. Ca concentration
of groundwater of gneiss area in Younggwang area ......156
Fig. 4-41. The chemical composition of main components
of groundwater of gneiss area by Schoeller graph
in the Younggwang area...........................157
Fig. 4-42. Piper diagram for representing analysis of water quality
of groundwater of gneiss area in the Younggwang area • • • 157
Fig. 4-43. Frequencey Diagram for d D and <5 O of groundwater
and river water(Dotted line represents river water).......163
Fig. 4-44. <5D vs 8 O diagram showing isotopic compositions
in waters from the studied area.....................164
Fig. 4-45. <5100 vs CI diagram showing evaporation effect
of groundwater(filled circle) and surface water(open circle) • 167 Fig. 5-1. Distribution of specific yield capacity in the Imsil area
Fig. 5-2. Distribution of specific yield capacity
in the Younggwang area..........................178
List of Tables
Table 3-1. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-2 in the Imsil area.................46
Table 3-2. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-3 in the Imsil area.................47
Table 3-3. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-4 in the Imsil area.................47
Table 3-4. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-8 in the Imsil area.................48
Table 3-5. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-9 in the Imsil area.................48
Table 3-6. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-10 in the Imsil area................49
Table 3-7. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-12 in the Imsil area................49
Table 3-8. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-13 in the Imsil area................50
Table 3-9. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-15 in the Imsil area................50
Table 3-10. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-18 in the Imsil area................51
Table 3-11. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-19 in the Imsil area................51
Table 3-12. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-20 in the Imsil area................52
Table 3-13. In-situ permeability test
at well No. ISK-21 in the Imsil area................52
Table 3-14. In-situ permeability test
at well No. YGK-1 in the Younggwang area..........63
Table 3-15. In-situ permeability test
at well No. YGK-3 in the Younggwang area..........64
Table 3-16. In-situ permeability test
at well No. YGK-5 in the Younggwang area..........64
Table 3-17. In-situ permeability test
at well No. YGK-6 in the Younggwang area..........65
Table 3-18. In-situ permeability test
at well No. YGK-7 in the Younggwang area..........65
Table 3-19. In-situ permeability test
at well No. YGK-12 in the Younggwang area.........66
Table 3-20. In-situ permeability test
at well No. YGK-14 in the Younggwang area.........67
Table 3-21. In-situ permeability test
at well No. YGK-16 in the Younggwang area.........68
Table 3-22. In-situ permeability test
at well No. YGK-18 in the Younggwang area.........69
Table 3-23. In-situ permeability test
at well No. YGK-19 in the Younggwang area.........70
Table 3-24. In-situ permeability test
at well No. YGK-20 in the Younggwang area.........71
Table 3-25. Result of pumping test at well No. ISK-1
in the Imsil area................................82
Table 3-26. Result of pumping test at well No. ISK-7
in the Imsil area................................82
Table 3-27. Result of pumping test at well No. ISK-9
in the Imsil area................................85
Table 3-28. Result of pumping test at well No. YGK-8
in the Younggwang area.........................85
Table 3-29. Result of pumping test at well No. BG-17
in the Younggwang area.........................90
Table 3-30. Result of pumping test at well No. YGK-15
in the Younggwang area.........................90
Table 3-31. Result of pumping test at well No. YGK-17
in the Younggwang area.........................94
Table 4-1. Chemical analyses of surface water
in the Imsil area...............................102
Table 4-2. Chemical analyses of groundwater
of weathered zone in the Imsil area................102
Table 4-3. Chemical analyses of groundwater
of granite area in the the Imsil area...............114
Table 4-4. Chemical analyses of groundwater
of volcanic area in the Imsil area.............. •114
Table 4-5. Chemical analyses of groundwater
of sedimentary area in the Imsil area..............122
Table 4-6. Chemical analyses of groundwater
of surface water in the Younggwang area...........122
Table 4-7. Correlation coefficients of major elements
in the Imsil area : (A) surface water (B) groundwater of weathered zone (C) groundwater of granite area (D) groundwater of volcanic area (E)groundwater
of sedimentary area............................127
Table 4-8. Chemical analyses of groundwater
of weathered zone in the Younggwang area.........136
Table 4-9. Chemical analyses of groundwater
of granite area in the Younggwang area............143
Table 4-10. Chemical analyses of groundwater
of volcanic area in the Younggwang area...........143
Table 4-11. Chemical analyses of groundwater
of gneiss area in the Younggwang area............153
Table 4-12. Correlation coefficients of major elements in the Younggwang area : (A) surface water (B) groundwater of weathered zone (C) groundwater
of granite area (D) groundwater of volcanic area
(E) groundwater of gneiss area...................158
Table 4-13. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope values
of water samples...........................162
Table 4-14. Correlation coefficients of 8 lsO
and major compositions in water samples...........166
Table 5-1. Specific yield capacity in the Imsil area..........170
Table 5-2. Specific yield capacity in the Younggwang area • • • • 174
Chapter 1. The orientation and scope of study
The purpose of the study is to investigate hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater. For this study two areas were selected : Imsil and Younggwang.
Imsil area(Fig. 1-1) is located at Imsil gun in Chullabuk-do, and it has a eup and 11 myeons. The area is approximately 597km2 and coordinate is the longitude 127° 5' ~ 127° 26' 18" , north latitude 35° 27' 30" ~ 35° 46' 35" .
Younggwang area(Fig. 1-1) is located at Younggwang gun in Chullanam-do and it has 3 eups and 7 myeons. The area is approximately 460km2 and coordinate is the longitude 126° 20' ~ 126° 40' , North latitude 35° 10' ~ 35° 27' .
The topography of Imsil area mainly consists of mountains except small rice fields. The mountains with approximately 400 ~ 800m in height are irregular in direction, but those are related to the geology and geological structures in some areas.
As the Osu river developed lots of distributary meanders to the south, it flows to the Seomjin river.
In the eastern part of Osu-ri distributed by Namwon granites, there are low hills and fields because of weathering.
The topography of Younggwang area is characterized by the geology and geological structure. Concerning of geomorphology volcanic rock and metasedimentary areas formed of steep high topography, on the other hand gneisses and granites formed of low lands and rice fields.
As the rivers such as Guam, Watan and Bulgap river developed lots of distributary meander to the west, they flow to the west sea. Along these rivers large alluvial deposits and rice fields were
formed and especially the largest alluvial deposits and rice fields formed along the Bulgap river.
For mapping of surface geology and geological structures to define the lineaments related to groundwater resources, test boreholes to know where the aquifers are, insitu permeability test and pumping test were performed to calculate the hydraulic constants, water sampling for analysis of water quality in outdoor study and analysis of lineament by black and white aerial photograph, analysis of result of insitu permeability test and pumping test, and analysis of chemical analysis data were performed in the indoor study.
Fig. 1-1. Location map of study area
Chapter 2. Geology and geological structure
2-1. Geology
2-1-1. Imsil area
The geology of Imsil area consists of Precambrian gneises, unknown age metasedimentary rocks, Jurassic granites, Cretaceous volcanic rocks and sedimentary rocks, diorite and dykes Quarternary alluvium(Fig.2~l).
The detailed geological formations exposed in the area are as follows:
Unknown age
alluvium ~ unconformity — dykes diorite
- intrusion -
volcanic rocks
- intrusion & extrusive -
sedimentary rocks ~ unconformity — granites
schistose granite
- intrusion-
limestone schist quartzite ~ unconformity — gneiss
Gneiss complex occupies Mt. Wontong located southeastern part of area as a basement and near sinan-ri regionally, and mainly consists of granite gneiss and schistose gneiss.
Granite gneiss located Mt. Wontong is intuded by Jurassic granite, cretaceous acidic dykes, and is overlain by Cretaceous sedimentary rocks and extrusive volcanic rocks as a uncoformity.
(2) Metasedimentary rock
Metasedimentary rock occupies Sungsu-myeon located south eastern part of study area as high lands, and shows long narrow belt from NNE to SSW direction devided foliated granite and biotite granite. Schist interbeded by limestone occupies around Imsil-eup located central part of the study area.
(3) Granites
Granites mainly consist of biotite and foliated granite. Biotite granite occupies south eastern part of the area and contain sparsely pinkish feldspars.
Foliated granite occupies southwestern part of the area and intrude metasedimentary rocks
(4) Sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary rocks consist of shale and fine to coarse sandstone and occupy northeastern part of the area.
(5) Volcanic rocks
Volcanic rocks occupy southwestern part of the area and consist of rhyolite and tuff.
Volcanic rocks overlie, and intrude sedimentary rocks.
(6) Diorite and dykes
Diorite occupies Kwanchon-myeon located merthern part of the area and intrudes sedimentary rocks.
(7) Alluvium
The Quarternary alluvium consisted of sand, gravel and silt deposits along the river.
2-1-2. Younggwang area
The geology of Younggwang area consists of Precambrian gneises, unknown age metasedimentary rocks, Jurassic granites, Cretaceous volcanic rocks, diorites and dykes, and Quarternary alluvium(Fig. 2-2).
The detailed geological formations exposed in the area are as follows:
alluvium ~ unconformity ~ dykes diorite
- intrusion-
volcanic rocks
- intrusion & extrusive -
sedimentary rocks ~ unconformity ~ granites
schistose granite
- intrusion-
schist metasediments
quartzite ~ unconformity — gneiss
(1) Gneiss complex
Gneiss complex occupies Pubsung-myeon and Hongnong-eup located Northern part of area as a basement formed low land and rice fields, and mainly consists of granite gneiss, banded gneiss biotite gneiss and partly is interbeded by mica schist. In Mt. Chopo located near Pubsung-myeon weolsan-ri gneisses are intruded by large quartz dykes.
(2) Metasedimentary rocks
Metasedimentary rocks occupy Gunnam-myeon, Bulgab-myeon and Myoryang-myeon located southern part of study area as high lands, and are intrued by granites and partly are overlain by
Unknown age
volcanic rocks. Metasedimentary rocks mainly consist of mica schist and partly are interbeded by quartz, limestone and quartz schist.
(3) Granites
Granites mainly consist of porphyritic biotite granite, biotite granite and granodiorite, and occupy southern part of the area largely. Porphyritic biotite granite contains coarse feldspars and coarse quartz.
Biotite granite occupied southern part of the area of Yumsan-myeon and Gunnam-myeon and in Bulgab-myeon is intruded by metasedimentary rocks.
Granodiorite intruded porphyritic biotite granite occupied Bulgab-myeon udoo-ri and yaweol-ri area. Granodiorite contains medium grained minerals and various colored minerals.
(4) Volcanic rocks
Volcanic rocks occupy northern part of the area located
Baeksu-eup and Hongnong-eup widely and southern part of
Bulgab-myeon in a small scale as formed steep and rough
topography. Volcanic rocks consist of rhyolite, rhyolitic tuff and volcanic breccia.
(5) Dykes
Dykes intruded sedimentary rocks consist of felsite and quartz porphyry and occupy Kwanchon-myeon located northern part of the
Alluvium consisted of sand, gravel and silt deposits along the river.
2-2. Geologic structure
The black and white aerial photograph that is used to analyse lineaments is made on a map drawn on a scale 1:40,000, and stereoscope is used to analyze the black and white aerial photograph.
Fault line, fault cliff and boundary of geology are shown in a straight line
Interpretation of landsat image is to define the characteristic of geologic structure that controls around the study area.
The Landsat images, which covered the study area, are good for geological interpretation related to groundwater potention.
The lineament interpretation map shows very complicated lines which intersect each other, but these can be classified according to their trends and geological times related with the distributed rocks around them(Fig. 2-2 & 2-3).
The lineament interpretation analysed on the Rose diagram(Fig. 2-4 and Fig. 2-5) in the study area.
The result of lineament interpretations are as follows;
2-2-1. Imsil area(Fig. 2-3)
On the lineament interpretation map defined total 77 lineaments in granite area. As a result of the lineament interpretation on the Rose diagram shown in Fig. 2-4(A), the most predominant trend is the NE direction in numbers (>20%) and NNW direction is high frequency in numbers (>10%).
Many groundwater wells are developed on this direction in granite area and groundwater potential is very high.
On the lineament interpretation map defined total 41 lineaments in volcanics area. As a result of the lineament interpretation on the Rose diagram shown in Fig. 2-4(B), the most predominant trend is the NNW and NNE direction in numbers(>10%)
Many groundwater wells are developed on this direction in volcanic rocks area and potential of groundwater resources is high.
On the lineament interpretation map defined total 55 lineaments in sedimentary rocks area. Result of the lineament interpretation on the Rose diagram shown in Fig. 2-4(C), the most predominant trend is the NW direction in numbers (>10%)
Many groundwater wells has been developed on this direction in volcanics area but potential of groundwater resources is not high.
On the lineament interpretation map defined total 8 lineaments in diorite area. Result of the lineament interpretation on the Rose diagram shown in Fig. 2-4(D), the most predominant trend is the NW direction in numbers(>20%)
Many groundwater wells are not developed on this direction in diorite area and potential of groundwater resources is poor.
Fig. 2-4. Rose diagrams showing the trends of lineament
in the Imsil area : (A) Granite area (B) Volcanic area (C) Sedimentary area (D) Diorite area
Result of the lineament interpretation, groundwater resources are deeply related with lineament direction that is related with the state of potential of groundwater resources is NE and NNW trends in granite area, NNE and NNW trend in volcanic area, NW trend in sedimentary area
2-2-2. Younggwang area(Fig. 2-2)
On the lineament interpretation map defined total 78 lineaments in granite area. As a result of the lineament interpretation on the Rose diagram shown in Fig. 2-5(A), the most predominant trend is the NW direction in numbers (>15%)
Many groundwater wells are developed on this direction in granite area and potential of groundwater resources is very high.
On the lineament interpretation map defined total 25 lineaments in volcanic rocks area. As a result of the lineament interpretation on the Rose diagram shown in Fig. 2-4(B), the most predominant trend is the NNW and NNE direction in numbers(>10%)
Many groundwater wells are developed on this direction in volcanics area and potential of groundwater resources is high.
On the lineament interpretation map defined total 8 lineaments in sedimentary rocks area. Result of the lineament interpretation on the Rose diagram shown in Fig. 2-4(C), the most predominant trend is the NE direction in numbers (> 20%)
Many groundwater wells are developed on this direction in volcanics area and potential of groundwater resources is poor.
On the lineament interpretation map defined total 6 lineaments in gneiss area. Result of the lineament interpretation on the Rose diagram shown in Fig. 2-4(D), the most predominant trend is the
Fig. 2-5. Rose diagrams showing the trends of lineament
in the Younggwang area : (A) Granite area (B) Volcanic area (C) Sedimen
Ким Ен Ки
кандидата географических наук
Санкт-Петербург, 1999
ВАК 11.00.01
- Формирование химического состава грунтовых вод юго-восточной части Республики Руанда в связи с применением гидрогеохимического метода поисков рудных месторождений и оценка их пригодности для питьевого водоснабжения
- Совершенствование методики гидрогеохимических поисков в условиях Полярного Урала
- Гидрогеохимические предвестники землетрясений в высокосейсмичном регионе
- Изучение и прогноз изменений гидрогеологических условий Апшеронского полуострова в целях оценки развития подтопления земель
- Гидрогеодинамические и гидрогеохимические особенности Пятигорского месторождения минеральных вод